Friday, February 26, 2010

The story of 3 child i've known

Siang?? Panas euy suasananya. So,kalo lagi ada angin sepoy,ajibnya bukan maen. All homework have done,daripada kagak ngap2,mending mosting something funny.(- menurut saia:-D)

Enak neh sambil dengerin hana's eyes-maxim,field of love-beautiful life ost,flying condor-native american melody,ha roo ga ji na go-misa ost,gavotte in d major-j.s bach,shehnai-indian melody,cannon in d acoustic-joe satriani sambil ketik2.(-tapi maafkan saia jika sesaat lagi saia molor :-D *musicnya so peacefull sich,hueheheh)

Setaun belakangan ini,saia kenalan 3 gorgeous jagoan cilik. lucu2 dech mereka ini.pinter2 pula,cerdik cendikia tiada tara.(-halah) Crita satu2 yak? Start from...

Ini anak kecil umur 3th keturunan chinese. panggilannya cholas. Ganteng imut2 agak gendut tapi nggak over weight. Kalo ditanya soal english,dia mah udah jelas lebih jago.(-asli dilebih2in dikit,blom jago2 amat:-D). Dia tinggal dgn budhe-nya dia,"mami" panggilannya. Actually dia punya ortu,tp ortunya kerja khan,jd dia dititipin ke mami.(-sambil kipas2,gerah banget:-D heheh). Apa sich kelucuan2 dia hingga membuat saia bertekuk lutut dihadapannya, dan selalu menunggu next funny shoot from him?
~ suatu hari ada yg tanya ke cholas.(- sikon-nya deket rumah cholas lg ada anak2 kecil maen odong2-maenan keliling pake iring2an lagu).
X- cholas nggak naek odong2?
Cholas- gila lu ya?
(-gemez) xixixi:-P
~ Cholas ini punya mbk2 yg jagain dia,semacam babysitter namanya lilis(agak tomboy tampilannya). Biasa mbk lilis disuruh ke pasar ama mami.
Cholas- lilis mau kemana?
Lilis- mau ke pasar,ikut?
Cholas- ikut,tapi digendong ya?
Lilis- jalan kaki aja,ya? berat tau.
Cholas- capek tau lis jalan? Grrrrr,xixixi
~ suatu ketika,cholas lg maen d depan rumah. Saia dan beberapa fans cholas sedang duduk2 di lantai 2 of my bording house. Kita panggil dech si cholas- cholaass??
Tanpa menjawab,cholas hanya melihat fans2nya sambil senyum dan mainin his eyebrow. Klepek2 dech para2 fans ini,grrrh... Itu tadi sedikit about cholas(sayang belom sempet ambil his photograph).

Next is..
2. Lania zhavira
Kakak(panggilan buat this cute little girl,soalnya uda punya adek) adalah 1st daughter of my suhu. Umurnya 4th. Cantik dech anaknya (-ada blog photo2 dia di link dari blog saia,titlenya kakak n dhek chacha). Apa sih lucunya kakak? based on her ayah n bunda status nie.

Status bunda- tiba2 kakak ngomong : kayaknya aku udah nggak sabar dech punya anak..huahahah ketawa adalah my first ekspresiong.

Status suhu- gara2 gak dibeliin pizza,anakku bilang duh capek dech ngurusin ayah... xixixixi bapak siapa anaknya siapa yg ngurusin siapa,heheheh lucu.

Next is...
3. Zahra Agrin Ramadhani
Yang statu ini jagoan kita semua. Umurnya 4th. TK 0 kecil. Anaknya gendut 20kg sodara2. Matanya agak sipit,tapi bukan chinese. Paling suka nyari kupu2. Paling suka minum susu, pokoknya sehari-hari minumnya susu. Paling cinta ama kaus kaki,sehari2 pake kaus kaki terus. Rela nangis dia,kalo sampai ada yg mengusik kaus kaki yg nempel di kakinya,ckckck. Apa lucunya sich zahra ini? Heheheh.

~ pernah dia maen tanpa pamit, ke rumah tetangga. Begitu dicariin bapaknya. Dia bilang ke tetangganya zahra- gawaat! Gawaat! Gawaat budhe!!
Budhe- kenapa?
Zahra- ada bapakq! Dia lari sembunyi di kamar. Gyahahaha

~blajar baca ini critanya.
m a=ma m a=ma dibaca mama(betul,pinter!)
p a=pa p a=pa dibaca bapak, hahahaha mentang2 manggil ke babenya bapak,xixixi ckckck jujur sekali kamu nak.

~si zahra maen ke tempat saia pas mau ujan. eeh ditengah ujan dia minta pulang. Suruh gendong blakang ama orang rumah. 20 kilo teman teman!! Selesai melaksanakan tugas,ngos-ngosan sudah rasanya,huufh

Yach,itu tadi sedikit cerita betapa supernya anak2 kecil jaman sekarang.

Emang, maen ama anak kecil bisa ngilangin stress dikit. Tapi kadang bisa bikin stress juga:-D

Semoga anak kita2 nanti,jadi anak yg sholih sholihah,amiiin...

Si yu da da,next posting pengen kasih award euy:-D

Thursday, February 25, 2010

jepret>>> working trip yiiiiiiiiiiiiiha

there're some pictures i've taken from my work trip hahaha, soon i'll post my long work trip - actually offroad huahahahaha

Location : Parangtritis Beach
(-sorry sir!! we just take a little rest heheheh)

Location : the united of Ngayogjokarto near the palace
(- he makes me wanna's soooo...i don't have words)

Location : Pasir Putih Beach Bandar Lampung
(- once again sir!! we just play with sand and lookin for starfish with those children ,hahaha)

Friday, February 19, 2010

nature upbringing woman...

She's so great beautiful cool woman...her name is In...and she's just a village girl
at the age of 6 her main duty are :
  1. brings tons of rice miles away from the seller to her house just by foot (-the rice will be sold then by her mom)
  2. washing all of her family members cloth (- she has mom,2 older sisters and 4 younger brothers)..huph how many cloths that will be?????
  3. cleaning up all around of her house (- i imagine u know about how wide javanese house???)
  4. In the morning about 4, her mom already in the market to sell some stuff. And she has to take care of family need for a hole day..etc : cooking, preparing breakfast of course watch over her brothers. 

this duties go on for a long time. actually so miserable, but just understand her mother burden (- i mean, keep family members alive is not easy...). I bet  her mother really thank full to have a daughter such a great little girl.  Buuuuuuut..i don't really understand what her sisters thinking about their live???? huph...only God and they're know it....

let's continue this story,....

at the age of 20, she was married by a handsome,smart,cool young man (yipppiiiii.. great!!!! they will be a great couple... ). and as a new couple...beautiful live will greet them both...huhuhuhuhuhu

at the age of 21, she give birth a daughter. her life seems more beautiful (- thousands of flowers are fall from the bright blue sky..huhuhuhuhu)

at the age of 28, she give birth the 2nd child..a boy ladies and gentleman!!!cool!!! seems will be a perfect life isn't it?? but 4 month letter, her baby boy got an accident. he fall from his bad and that make some destruction to his back nerve so he can't move almost every part of his body. Lots ways were gone through to get the boy better, but still not working.

at the age of 29, she give birth the 3th child,.. a girl... her life getting hard...

at the age of 33, she give birth again..the 4th child...a girl ....harder..

2 years letter..her husband got bed off...a serious illness...bone cancer..then passed away...that time be the most shocking time of her live...raise up 4 children with no husband, with one defect child, with no job, with people jeered...

but her mother who really love her..still help her..loving her and her children..but not always of course..they lived separate..some time her mother send money to help her,some time God send some generous person to help her...

after her husband passed away..she build up her strength to raise up all her children..hard in the beginning..little by little it make her accustomed.

and of her children is sitting here..and write down  few story of her live...

proud to be her daughter...luv u mom
* it all just a few maybe i'll write more..

see u ...

Monday, February 1, 2010


kemaren..sista saia lagi kunjungan resmi ke rumah temen dia. Diajak ma kentik (sohibnya sista).
me : "mo kemana sist?"
sista : "ke rumah B(sohibnya yg laen)"
me : "ngapain?"
sista : "diajak kent2 (panggilan akrab kentik)mo copy pelem (in betawi)."
me : "huhuy!!! nitip dunk??"
sista : "apaan??"
me : "copy pelem dunk..(pasang mu-peng)"
sista : "ok.."

langsung dengan sigap saia lemparin my portable hardisk (lebay : lempar2 ph) samnil tertawa lepas..huahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah

pulang2 si sista bawa pelem segudaaang disimpen dalam "folder xxx"(xxx????? apakah isinya??)
ini listnya :
1.88 minute
2.Ace Ventura Jr
4.Bing and bong
7.December boys
8.Fast and furious 4
9.Fast track
10.forrest gum (uda nonton beberapa kali => keren pelemnya)
12.horton age 2 (uda nonton+uda punya = funny movie,all series)
14.If only
16.Indiana Jones
18.Iron man (ude)'s a boy girl thing
20.journey 10.000 BC
21.journey to the center of earth
22.kambing jantan
23.knowing (nice) actually the robinson (inspiring) the spartan house bos my hero (ever seen it) girl and i
31.push (ever seen it)
32.quantum of solace (ever seen it with my friends)
33.ratatoulle (very inspiring==>> awsome!!!! cooool!!!)
34.resque down
35.resident evil 3 (ever seen it)
38.saving private ryan (cool movie)
39.shaman king
41.son of rambow
42.speed racer (funny!!!)
43.texas chainshaw massacre
44.the day the earth stood still
45.the host
46.the kingdom
47.the mumy (ever seen it)
48.transformer (love all series of it)
50.wall e

great!!! i have a lot homework sodara-sodara!!! total 80 G memenuhi my portable hard's see it!!!