Friday, February 10, 2012

::street photographer wanna be::

This is some street captures from my "elek ndek ndalan" trip when we got back from Ciater,West Java while huge labors did prosecution to the goverment to gain the minimum regional wages or in bahasa called UMR (Upah Minimum Regional). Also they did a toll closing movement, automatically toll which straight to Jakarta are closed. Good Job labors!! that makes us feel your suffer even just pending our lunch until 11 at night. #pingsan

well, i'm not gonna post thousand, just share some, cause i worry about you to be sick while seeing the capture. it's just not good for your health #dapet penghargaan tinggi karena ngga majang photo banyak2

kitte kudasai :

::playing boy::


::working boy::

::the toll janitor::

::to Jakarta, traffic jam - from Jakarta, nothing::

::why so serious, having relaxed talk::



  1. suka yang the toll janitor:) lanjutkan karyamu!:D

    1. haha, ampuuun suhuuu :D
      itu moment yang jarang2, disaat tak ada kendaraan satu pun yg make jalan:D


what da ya think?